Koi Beauty Inspiring people to make it as tatoos. Koi fish tattoos are beautiful and wildly popular right now. Koi fish tattoos of course have a long history and go all the way back to ancient Japanese times and it is a definte Japanese or Asian tattoo theme.Why Koi tatoos? According to Japanese legend if a koi succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.
More generally, the Japanese associate koi (also known as carp) with perserverance in adversity and strength of purpose. Because of its strength and determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals.
For the Japanese koi fish represent strngth and power because they are often able to lift their entire body up and jump out of the water.
Therefore the tattoos that represent koi fish often show them splahing in the water and water flying everywhere which shows of their strength. Plus as an added bonus they are an absolute beautiful fish and the colors of them lend themselves to a tattoos. The beautiful birght oranges mixed witht he blues of water make for an ideal tattoo plus since they are tradintally a Japanese tattoo they lend a sort of forgien mystery to their air.
* The Koi Fish is symbolic in the Buddhist Religion, representing courage. Humans 'swim' through the 'ocean of suffering' without fear, just like a fish swims through water.
* The Koi is symbolic with family. On Childrens Day Koi flags are raised, Black Koi the father, Orange/Red mother, Blue/White for a boy, red/pink for a girl.
* "There is another word to describe "love" which is "koi". The kanji character for "kokoro (heart)" is included as part of both kanji characters. Both "ai" and "koi" are probably translated as "love" in English. However, they have slightly different nuance: "Koi" is a love for the opposite sex, or a longing feeling for a specific person. It can be described as "romantic love" or "passionate love". While "ai" has the same meaning as "koi," it also has a definition of a general feeling of love. "Koi" can be selfish, but "ai" is a real love. Here are some lines that explain them well: Koi is always wanting. Ai is always giving."
* A koi tattoo is supposed to represent different things it just depends on the color and the amount of them and the direction they are swimming in the stream. 5 golden koi is supposed to represent eternal wealth and well being. Each color represents a specific meaning. Some people believe that the color of Koi Tattoo on your body should be in harmony with you and your surroundings.
* In general Koi are associated with good luck, plain and simple. The colors and size doesn't mean anything.
Koi Fish tattoos are now very popular among men and women. Typically men get them on their shoulders or calf and women like to get them as a lower back tattoo. There are a few out there that also get them as full back tattoos with more of a tradtional Asian design.
Add On Ideas: If you are looking for some way to enhance the koi fish tattoo and add more complexity to it you might wantto think about fallen cherry blossoms also as they are a very symbolic tattoo also.
2. Wiki Answer
3. Pic From http://asianconnection71.com
More generally, the Japanese associate koi (also known as carp) with perserverance in adversity and strength of purpose. Because of its strength and determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals.
For the Japanese koi fish represent strngth and power because they are often able to lift their entire body up and jump out of the water.
Therefore the tattoos that represent koi fish often show them splahing in the water and water flying everywhere which shows of their strength. Plus as an added bonus they are an absolute beautiful fish and the colors of them lend themselves to a tattoos. The beautiful birght oranges mixed witht he blues of water make for an ideal tattoo plus since they are tradintally a Japanese tattoo they lend a sort of forgien mystery to their air.
* The Koi Fish is symbolic in the Buddhist Religion, representing courage. Humans 'swim' through the 'ocean of suffering' without fear, just like a fish swims through water.
* The Koi is symbolic with family. On Childrens Day Koi flags are raised, Black Koi the father, Orange/Red mother, Blue/White for a boy, red/pink for a girl.
* "There is another word to describe "love" which is "koi". The kanji character for "kokoro (heart)" is included as part of both kanji characters. Both "ai" and "koi" are probably translated as "love" in English. However, they have slightly different nuance: "Koi" is a love for the opposite sex, or a longing feeling for a specific person. It can be described as "romantic love" or "passionate love". While "ai" has the same meaning as "koi," it also has a definition of a general feeling of love. "Koi" can be selfish, but "ai" is a real love. Here are some lines that explain them well: Koi is always wanting. Ai is always giving."
* A koi tattoo is supposed to represent different things it just depends on the color and the amount of them and the direction they are swimming in the stream. 5 golden koi is supposed to represent eternal wealth and well being. Each color represents a specific meaning. Some people believe that the color of Koi Tattoo on your body should be in harmony with you and your surroundings.
* In general Koi are associated with good luck, plain and simple. The colors and size doesn't mean anything.
Koi Fish tattoos are now very popular among men and women. Typically men get them on their shoulders or calf and women like to get them as a lower back tattoo. There are a few out there that also get them as full back tattoos with more of a tradtional Asian design.
Add On Ideas: If you are looking for some way to enhance the koi fish tattoo and add more complexity to it you might wantto think about fallen cherry blossoms also as they are a very symbolic tattoo also.
2. Wiki Answer
3. Pic From http://asianconnection71.com