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Friday, February 17, 2012


Koi Treatment needed when koi sick or moved from other pond. You can treat koi fish in the quarantine pond, fiber tank or big bowl. When you have selected the correct bowl for the job in hand - always put enough water in the bowl so that the Koi can move freely in the normal upright manner , then you will need to add some anesthetic - just enough to gently put the Koi to sleep whilst you go to work on the infected, or damaged, area. It is always hard to advise people on how much anesthetic to use ... it depends on many things ... mainly how big the fish to be treated is ... the temperature of the water and how much water is in the bowl ... and how healthy the fish is .... but it is important that you do not put too much anesthetic in the bowl and the fish is almost unconscious as soon as it hits the water ..

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Selecting Tancho KOI

A Tancho is a koi type with a distinctive, usually round and red (hi), marking on the head that does not appear anywhere else on the body. Originally the name was “Hinomaru”, a crimson disk on white ground, representative of the Japanese national flag. The word “tancho” derives from the Japanese crane, a white bird with a round red crest. The roundish head marking which appears in addition to any other similar colored markings on the body is known as Maruten, as opposed to Tancho.