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Sunday, July 10, 2016

How To Select Ginrin Koi

Gin Rin Koi type is short for Kin Gin Rin (= gold, silver scales). Gin Rin is the result of a reflective substance called Guanine deposited on the surface of koi scales.Practically every known variety of Koi can produce a Kin-Gin-Rin equivalent, for example, Gin-Rin Shiro Bekko. However, they are either classified as Kin-Gin-Rin B (ZNA) or with their basic variety (UK). Gin-Rin Shiro Utsuri can be included with Kin-Gin-Rin A (ZNA).

Types of Ginrin Koi

Beta/Niigata Gin Rin: Original type rarely seen today that appears to cover the entire scale with a solid mirror like reflective surface. It is more common on the sides of the koi and rarely appears in neat organized rows.

Tama/Pearl Gin Rin: Also rarely seen today. Appears as a small reflective dot in the center of the scale that usually disappears as koi matures.

Kado or Edge Gin Rin: Only the very outer edge of scales have a thin narrow rim of reflective surface that disappears as koi matures.

Hiroshima or Diamond Gin Rin: Most common and most refined type. Appears as lines scales and mostly on the top of the koi/ Best examples have at least three rows of gin rin down each side of their dorsal fins organized into neat complete rows without any gaps and equally strong on all koi colors.

Ginrin Koi Appreciation

• Points applying to Kohaku, Sanke and Showa also apply. Kin-gin-rin is regarded as an ‘add-on’ feature, so the points relating to each basic variety are also important. For example, white skin for all three varieties should be pure white, from nose to tail, without spots or stains.
• There are several types of kin-gin-rin: beta (complete shiny scale), Hiroshima (shiny lines on each scale – ‘cracked glass’ appearance), pearl (lumpy, shiny deposit in the centre of each scale) and kado (only scale edges are shiny).
• Beta-gin is considered best, although Hiroshima-gin is the most common. For excellence, kin-gin-rin scale lines must be complete from shoulders to tail and the shine very even. Large numbers of kin-gin-rin scale lines reaching down the sides are also highly regarded.

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