A smooth bottom koi pond will make it far easier to provide the ideal conditions high end koi require. Even with frequent cleanings, the rocks will trap debris and increase the dissolved Organic Compounds (DOCs) in the pond. This trapped debris will prevent the koi from reaching their full potential. Colors will fade sooner, their whites will yellow and so will their heads. Their skin will lose that prized luster and they will not grow as big. In other words, while they may survive, they will not thrive.
On the other hand, if you have no intention of ever showing or even purchasing high end koi and you are more interested in a beautiful pond with some nice koi and you are not concerned with developing the koi to their "maximum potential", then rocks might not be a bad decision. Just keep in mind the facts above about the annual cleaning. This is REQUIRED for all rock bottom ponds. If you are not up to the task, then don’t put in rocks.
Another thing to consider when adding rocks to the bottom of your pond is how the water will get to the filter. If the only method of sending water to the filter is a skimmer, you will vastly compound the problems with rock bottom ponds. With a skimmer only set up, all the sinking debris and waste produced by the fish will remain in the pond. 90% of all fish waste will sink below the skimmer line. If you decide you want rocks on the bottom of the pond, you need to consider some sort of bottom drain under the rocks. This can be done a number of ways, but what is really important is that sinking debris will at least have a chance at getting to the filter. With a skimmer only situation there is zero chance the waste will ever make it into the filter system. The water will become toxic much faster and rocks will need to be cleaned more frequently.
Tips to add rock on the bottom of koi Pond
1) Use larger rocks and only place them one layer deep. Pea gravel will be impossible to clean.
2) Use smooth river rock so debris will not be trapped as easily.
3) Install a bottom drain at the deepest point and leave several feet around the drain smooth and free of rocks.
4) Install several TPR’s or underwater jets to circulate the water and prevent debris from settling.
5) Invest in a good pond vacuum and frequently vacuum over the rocks to remove as much debris as possible.
6) Consider the option of mortaring in the rocks. This way you have the look you want, but a smooth enough base so that debris won’t get trapped under the stones.
7) Consider a smooth bottom pond with a couple pebble/rock beach areas near the edge. This way you have the look of rock with the benefit of a smooth bottom.
8) Keep the stocking density LOW. Rock bottom ponds cannot hold as many koi as a smooth bottom pond.
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