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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Koi Pond Design Fundamental

Koi Pond Pic, Taken From idealimageonline.com
Koi Pond design and construction is required before building a koi pond. Koi pond designs that will either affect the performance of the koi pond. There are some distinct differences between the serious Koi pond enthusiast and a koi lover just getting started in the wonderful hobby. The better you understand these differences, the easier it is to make sound decisions regarding your koi ponds design and construction.

There are 3 major fundamentals in the design of  dedicated koi Pond  that all serious Koi enthusiasts will agree on and then debate FOREVER on how to accomplish.
The 3 fundamentals are as follows and in order.

  • REMOVE ALL SOLID WASTE from the pond via bottom drains, pond skimmers and sometimes mid-water drains, such as leaf debris, pine needles, wind blown debris, fish poop, and uneaten fish food.
  • SETTLE SOLID WASTE as it is removed from the pond via bottom drains, pond skimmers and mid-water drains in a pre-filter. This is commonly accomplished in settlement tanks or physically removed with newer technology via a pond sieve pre-filter BEFORE the biological filtration.
  • FILTER OR NITRIFY the pond water (converting ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate) return it to the pond via waterfalls and often times return circulation jets below the water level.

These 3 fundamentals will be the foundation of your Koi pond design. From this foundation planning can begin. The ponds length, width and depth will determine the total gallons. From here we quickly move in the equipment selections determined from turn over rates for the pond matching pumps to speed limits of bottom drains, skimmers, UV filters, pre-filters, biological filters and on. Each ponds design is very subjective to the homeowners goals and is often influenced by the landscape and a budget.

Still to this day, dedicated Koi ponds are being constructed with design philosophies that oppose the 3 fundamentals described above. The philosophies and theories of designing ponds for Koi unveiled over the last decade have been some of the most important; producing critical pieces to an extraordinary puzzle. Only in the last few years have some of the most important components to effectively accomplish these 3 fundamentals became readily available to contractors and retailers.

If you are taking bids for construction of a dedicated koi pond, be sure to weigh the philosophies we have outlined here against the technologies offered to you in your ponds design.



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