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Monday, June 1, 2015

How To Control Algae In The Koi Pond

Algae booming in the koi pond is very annoying because we can not enjoy the beauty of koi fish. Algae booming makes the green water  and covered the landscape to the bottom of koi pond.In an outdoor pond algae growth will be very fast especially if the pond is not adequately filter. Algae growth is also influenced by levels of ammonia from the fish feces. Therefore the density of fish in the pond were also given the role.Algae growth on a koi pond should be controlled so that the pond stays clean and bright.

If you are thinking of adding a water garden to yard, there are some things you can do to prevent the growth of pond algae. For instance, the material you choose to build your pond will influence how easy it is for algae to grow and bloom. For instance, ponds made from concrete, limestone or marble are prone to algae blooms.

Careful design of your pond can also prevent algae growth. For instance, making sure you build your water pond at a slight slope toward the deep end will make it easier to remove debris, which can accumulate and foster algae growth. It’s also important to make sure your design includes a barrier to prevent rainwater from running off other areas of the yard into the pond. Believe it or not, rainwater is full of nutrients that actually feed the algae, not to mention that runoff can carry fertilizer or other chemicals into your pond that could contribute to algae and will definitely harm any fish.

If you already have a koi  pond, there are things you can do to control the algae that are fairly simple. The most important thing is to have proper circulation and filtration equipment. Must-haves include a pump and a filter, and you should make sure they are both the right size for your water garden.

The next step is maintenance. Part of the work of keeping a pond algae free is regular skimming with a net and use of a pond vacuum when needed. You should also use a bacteria and enzyme supplement your efforts and reduce any odors that may develop because of algae. These products can also reduce accumulated algae sludge.

Lastly, to control algae, don’t add more fish than your size pond and filter can support. This will cause algae to multiply quickly. Avoid overfeeding the fish, as this is also a common cause.

An outdoor water garden or pond can be a beautiful addition to any home and yard and a source of relaxation. Proper maintenance will allow you to enjoy your creation without the nuisance of algae.



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