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Monday, October 10, 2011

Step By Step Make Koi Pond Water Clear

Clear water not only make a beautiful pond but will also mage koi clearly visible. Water clarity is also a prerequisite for a healthy koi. But it makes clear koi pond water is not easy, especially for outdoor pond. You can make a koi pond to be clear, by performing the steps that are consistent and regular.

Here are some steps that can be done to make a koi pond water into clear, free from algae:

1. Stop feeding your pond fish till the water clears! Or, at the minimum, reduce feedings to 1-2 times a week (scoop out anything not eaten in 10-15 minutes). There should be plenty of natural food in the average garden pond for your fish to feed on.

2. Thin out your pond fish if you have more than 1 goldfish for every 50 gallons of water or 1 koi fish for every 150-200 gallons on average. (If you just can't part with your pond fish, upgrade your filter to handle the extra fish--see step 6).

3. Clean out any leaves, mulch, and any other debris that has collected in the pond. As they, (leaves, etc.) decompose they provide a constant flow of nutrients which feeds the algae! Net leaves before they sink to the bottom.

4. Make sure your pond pump is located on the opposite side of your pond as far away as possible from the waterfall or stream it feeds. This ensures complete circulation throughout the garden pond thereby preventing stagnant areas.

5. Add the proper quantity of aquatic plants especially submerged plants and floating plants for your size pond. Place floating plants in a stream, near a pump, etc. where water is continuously pulled past their roots.

6.Add or upgrade your filter system to a 2-step system consisting of: Step 1 - have a pre-filter where the pump is located and Step 2- have a proper size biological filter (KISS TM Filter). The biological filter is best installed out of the garden pond and is often hidden as a waterfall.

7.Seed your garden pond weekly with beneficial bacteria such as Super Bugs or Green-be-Gone or Crystal Clear. Dry formulas are more effective than liquid in general.

8. Add a single layer of fist-sized round stone across the bottom and on any shelves in the pond. This prevents fish from stirring up any dirt that collects on the bottom of the pond.

9. Make sure your garden pond is not receiving runoff from the lawn, or any surrounding ground. Raise edges a few inches with stone and foam if necessary so runoff goes around the pond instead of into the pond!

10.Do a 10-20% water change every 2 weeks. Be sure to purge the water from the bottom of the pond and add a dechlorinator if you use city water to refill it



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