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Thursday, October 29, 2015

How To Choose Pond Filter

KOI POND FILTER --- Pond filter is the most important equipment for Koi pond. To specify an appropriate koi pond filter it is important to know the volume of water in a pond to about 80% accuracy. A filter is specified in terms of what capacity it can handle when the pond is stocked normally which needs some interpretation.There are simply a lot of filter systems available on the market today. In fact, one could easily get lost in the sea of products.All Koi ponds should have biological filtration to provide good water quality for healthy fish and good appearance. Generally better pond filters mean higher cost, less maintenance, and better water quality.

To keep the pond safe to live in, it must have a koi pond filter.If your filter is not installed, be prepared to see murky water that is full of algae, wastes materials, leaves, bacteria, and high levels of deadly nitrates and ammonia. With this water condition, you cannot expect your fish to live longer, therefore, you must do something to keep your pond clean at all times.

Natural well-established ponds tend to be of large volume with plenty of natural planting, shade and relatively few fish. Garden ponds on the other hand tend to hold many more fish, are often in direct sunlight and have few plants. All of these factors combined can cause the garden pond to quickly become unbalanced resulting in green water or unhealthy fish. Adding a pond filter improves the pond stability giving you peace of mind, beautifully crystal clear water and an environment for your fish to thrive in.

If you want to decide choose pond filter product, you must seek pond filter that have:
  • Biological Filtration , This is the actual bacteria colony that your pond builds in order to consume varying waste products produced by aquatic life. In essence these bacteria will consume waste and convert it into less harmful waste that aquatic plants will actually thrive on.
  • Mechanical Filtration ,This is the process by which large debris is removed from the pond water. Debris such as large fish waste, leaves, old food and such are all caught and strained from the pond water itself.
  • Chemical Filtration, This is how chemical toxins are removed from the pond water. Pesticides, organic wastes, proteins and the like removed by agents such as carbon or processes like deionization.


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