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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Benefit Of Waterfall In Koi Ponds

KOI POND WATERFALL -- One benefit of having a garden waterfall or backyard waterfalls is they increase water molecules and bring more oxygen to the pond water, creating an ideal habitat for Japanese Koi fish. Stepped falls have more surface area and turbulence than straight falls. This increases the air and water interaction that allows oxygen to be dissolved. Creating a natural oxygenators for your pond.

Stepped rocks at the bottom of the garden waterfall generate more current which also leads to more oxygen exchange. The more surface area and surface turbulence the garden waterfall has, the more the oxygen in the air can interact with the water.

One thing you will need to watch out for are your freshwater plants. Some of the freshwater plants don’t do well with rapidly moving water and only certain species can live right near the garden waterfall. Move these plants a few feet away from your waterfall, or try these other suggestions when building your backyard waterfalls.

Another way to avoid this, not to build your backyard waterfall to high. It is best to have your garden waterfall drop into a small pool before entering your Pond and then spill over into the main pond as to avoid agitating the water in the main pond too much.

You can establish several levels in the garden waterfall as to make your waterfall more interesting. If you make each level a little wider, you will create an effect that makes your waterfall appear to be larger.

Algae Control With Waterfall

Increasing oxygen through water aeration has several advantages, moving water discourages algae growth and dead spots that don't go through the pond filtration system. It is extremely important to add oxygen to your pond, if your oxygen levels go down your filtration will go down. A Garden waterfall or Back yard Waterfall will help oxygen to diffuse throughout the pond.



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